
Profiles of Success

Airline/Cruise Ships, Mortgage, Retail


I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. In grade school, I mowed lawns and sold candy. In high school, I worked for my uncle who was a small business owner. He always said, “You DON’T GET RICH working for someone else.” I showed him one of my paychecks (from him) and said, “You aren’t kidding!”

That message stuck with me, but I went to college like everyone says you should. Five years later, after scraping together every grant, scholarship and loan, and even with the passing of my parents, I became the first in the family to graduate. But I still knew a corporate job wasn’t for me, so I partnered with a couple of like-minded friends, and we started our own little business.

Though we really didn’t have any major success, being an entrepreneur exposes you to a mind-set and eventually a mentor. After four years of trying different businesses, the dreams were still alive, but they began to fade as I became frustrated. I was stuck in two jobs just to pay the bills. So I escaped from the “rat race” and took a job on a cruise ship, but I was still looking for an opportunity. I started dreaming again, having fun and helping more people have fun too. I soon became the cruise director, but that was as high as I could go. This was still just a job. When I went home and saw how miserable everyone was at their jobs, I decided I wasn’t coming back until I found an OPPORTUNITY.

In 1997, Larry Lemke, Sean Stephenson and Mike Bishop repeatedly left me messages about this “legal thing” and convinced me to take a look at PPLSI. I saw the big picture! Though I had never used a lawyer before, I realized how many times my family and I could have used the membership and believed everyone should own this! Three years earlier I sold my car, put most of my belongings in storage and no longer had a place to live. So I moved into Mike’s basement and got a job just to pay the bills while I worked my PPLSI business! With the company training, systems, teamwork, consistency and persistency, I began to focus only on working on my PPLSI business. And that was before we had the internet!

I didn’t have to go out and go to work. I got to go out and enjoy life — whether it was being out with my daughter, attending social functions, traveling, going to the gym or helping friends and family, I worked this business ANYTIME! Many of my best friends were also associates because my other friends were still caught up in the rat race. Because of my team, I received the $100,000 Ring in 2008, and I even hit the Platinum Executive Director level once in 2009. Residual income is powerful! It has allowed me to spend more time co-parenting my beautiful daughter, Gianna, and take on the challenges of “life.” It’s been an incredible journey! My thanks go to Larry “The Legend” Lemke (RIP) for being one of the coolest guys I’ve ever known, to Inger Lemke for her years of wisdom and guidance, to my closest buds Sean Stephenson and Mike Bishop, to Team Legend family, to Kevin Dunn and Rey McCallum and to the Future Legends team. I owe a huge gratitude to everyone who contributed. Without you, none of this would have been possible! My PPLSI RENEWAL INCOME is enough to pay all my bills every month.